Hello, I'm Sarah. I’m a researcher, designer, and writer.

My work focuses on inequalities in healthcare, particularly in regard to persons with disabilities and chronic conditions, and the right for autonomous decision making in our healthcare systems. I am pursuing a Master of Science in Bioethics at Harvard Medical School.

You can read my work in Pulse & Principles where I publish on the vitality of human existence and the ethical foundations that intersect within our discussions around health and humanity.

In 2020, I created Limitless a digital publication with various contributors with chronic conditions meant to tackle loneliness felt by those with chronic illness in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The last decade of my career has been dedicated to storytelling for nonprofits and social justice organizations, addressing gaps in areas such as criminal justice reform, healthcare, and education. In 2014, I founded Make a Mark a design marathon for nonprofits, efficiently growing it into a global effort. I also run Purpose Craft to offer affordable, focused, and purposeful design, development, and strategic communication services to nonprofits and social justice initiatives.

Want to connect? I’d love to hear from you. Get in touch.